Giardino Rasponi, Ravenna

Giardino Rasponi, or Il Giardino delle Erbe Dimenticate. Hotel near Giardino Rasponi in the centre of Ravenna.
Photo: 1)in the Giardino, view on Palazzo Rasponi Murat, 2)in the Giardino, view on Duomo,3)entrance
While going to Basilica Metropolitana in the city, you will find a relaxing and suggestive place on the corner of
via A. Guerrini with via G. Rasponi: it is the Giardino of the forgotten Herbs.
This green area is named after the owner of the big opposite palace, now called Rasponi-Murat.
Originally it was a kitchen garden and only by the end of XVIII century it became a garden according to the desires of Earl Marco Fantuzzi under the project of architect Camillo Morigia.Versatile Morigia reduced the small square, restored the surrounding walls, drew a new stone entrance door and inserted a wrought iron fountain in the middle of the garden.
Banca Popolare di Ravenna, its actual owner, restored the surrounding walls, and, respecting its original XIX century features, planted more than two hundred different medicinal herbs.
Apart from the beauty of the panoramic view of the cathedral with its bell tower, you have the possibility to admire the medicinal herbs in the garden: Roman Absinthium, Artemisia, Asperula, Althea, Calendula, Angelic Herb, White Lavender, Wild Lavender, Provencal Lavender, Raspberry, Laurus Cerasus, Mauve, Lemon Balm, Pimpinella, Rosa Gallica, Chinese Rhubarb, Gray Santolina, Elder and other important species.
If you have a special curiosityabout plants, you can ask to the herbalist's shop at the entrance of the garden.
The pleasure of fine accommodation in the centre of Ravenna: we recommend the Fabbri hotels for a pleasant stay as follows:
The Centrale Byron Hotel, 3-star hotel in the centre of Ravenna, close to the main momuments;
The Bisanzio Hotel, 4-star hotel in the centre of Ravenna, close to the main momuments;
Once you have reached the hotel and parked your car, forget it and walk everywhere, because everything is within walking distance.
The railway station is near our hotels and within walking distance.